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Pallet transport Spain to Italy - Ona Express - Palibex
Italy becomes Palibex’s main international destination

Italy becomes Palibex’s main international destination

The Barcelona to Bologna route continues to grow in speed and service quality thanks to the agreement with One Express

The alliance between Palibex and One Express, the leading network for palletized cargo distribution in Italy, is yielding the expected results. Just over a year since the signing of the collaboration agreement between the two companies the exports to Italy have grown by 20%, and the volume of cargo moved with this country now represents nearly half of Palibex’s international activity, which has grown by 56% in the last year.

Due to the success of this service, Palibex is increasing daily departures from Barcelona to Bologna, while One Express is doing the same with its export line from Italy. Thanks to the new coordination centers in the network, One Express has fast and daily capillary distribution in the Iberian Peninsula.

The goal for 2024 is to establish two daily departures to Milan and Naples, in addition to continuing to strengthen the daily service with Bologna. This would represent a significant increase in import volume, going from two to four trucks per week while maintaining the current transit time of 48 to 72 hours for deliveries anywhere in Italy.

Pallet transport Spain to Italy - Ona Express - Palibex

We may not be the only ones in Italy, but we are determined to be the best,” emphasizes Palibex’s International Director, Lluís Gay. For him, the most crucial aspect of the alliance with One Express is ensuring excellent service. Indeed, he attributes the 20% increase in shipments to Italy among the network’s clients to the enhanced quality and speed of deliveries from the Barcelona hub (24-48h), in his opinion.

The partnership with One Express, which boasts three national hubs, 1,300 road vehicles, and over 900 transportation specialists, is one of the strategic agreements Palibex has entered into with the main palletized cargo networks in Europe to provide the same level of service in Spain as outside our borders.

In addition to Italy and France, the main international destinations for Palibex, the Spanish transport network is expanding its presence in Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, and Morocco.


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