Palibex collects more than 7.000 euros for Movember
Palibex employees grow their moustaches and participate collecting donations
One more year, Palibex is within the teams that have collected the most money for Movember Spain, both in the individual and team rankings, with a total donation of 7,287 euros.
This year, Palibex employees received Movember ambassador Aliénor Descours de Guernon to learn the work this foundation is carrying out and how they can contribute to look after men’s health.
November is the month when Palibex employees grow their moustaches and collect funds for Movember Spain, the organization that fights for the prevention and investigation of masculine diseases.
Within the last few years, Palibex has carried out several actions to help Movember. Some of them include artistic interventions by Okuda or Antonyo Marest, turning a company truck into a moving barber shop or the “shave down” shave of its employees inside the warehouse.